Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Invisible Children

The organization Invisible children is a charity organization working to end the War in the African country of Uganda. The organization was founded by three teenagers after they traveled to Uganda to make a documentary on... well they didn't really know what it was going to be on. During their trip to Uganda they learned of a War which had been going on for years. They learned of the many atrocities the War brought with it and how it oppressed the civilians in Uganda. They were disgusted by the War and began to wonder how something so terrible could be so unheard of in the United States. While they were in Uganda they met a young boy named Jacob who feared for his life because of the war. The three boys promised Jacob that they would do whatever they could to end the war in Uganda. In 2004 they founded Invisible Children to help fulfill this promise and to reveal the horrors of a hidden war to the public in America.

The Invisible children organization works to end the War in Uganda by attacking the problem on a variety of platforms. They work through media, protection, mobilization, and recovery. They use media such as films, and there website to help make people more aware of the War in Uganda. By making more people aware they can get more people involved and working towards the end of the war. Through mobilization they take a more aggressive approach to spreading the word about the war across the United states. They host international events, go on film and music tours, campaign to take political action, and give presentations to schools and organizations across the country. Through their recovery program they help people directly affected by the War. They invest in education and economic recovery in regions hurt by the War to help promote a lasting peace. The protection program works with regional leaders to help equip endangered communities with radio networks that can be used to warn them of incoming attacks. 
This conflict in Uganda began in 1986 when Yoweri Museveni gained presidency in Uganda. Following his election Alice Lakwena, a member of the northern Ugandan tribe Acholi, formed the Holy Spirit movement. The purpose of the Holy spirit movement was to rebel against the government and overthrow it, Lakwena claimed that she was guided by the Holy Spirit in her actions.When Lakwena was exiled a man named Joseph Kony took control of the movement claiming to be Lakwena's cousin. He changed the name the the Lord's Resistance Army, or LRA for short. He is currently in  charge of the LRA and is and should be regarded as a terrorist. In 2012 the Invisible children began a campaign titled KONY 2012. The purpose of the campaign was to raise awareness about Kony's actions and remove him from his position by any means necessary.

Uganda is a country located in the southern part of Africa. The LRA began in northern Uganda as an organization meant to free northern Uganda from an oppressive government. As time went on the organization changed hands and is now oppressing Northern Uganda in unimaginable ways. Although the LRA began in northern Uganda they have spread out and become more unorganized over recent years. They are now located in border regions of the northeastern Congo, Southern Sudan, and Central African Republic.

So, what exactly is the issue in Uganda? It is an issue of unimaginable horrors. Horrors that have been committed by Joseph Kony and the Lord's resistance Army. Horrors  that could rival those committed by men such as Joseph Stalin, Saddam Hussein, and Adolph Hitler. As I mentioned earlier the LRA began as the HSM, with the purpose to overthrow the oppressive government, until it was taken over by Joseph Kony. When Kony took over the resistance lost much of its support. In order to fill the ranks in his army Kony began to abduct children. Kony would then brainwash the children with lies of his mystical powers. In many cases he would force them to kill family members with blunt tools. If children refused to do so or try to escape they were either killed, beaten, or they would cut off there extremities such as lips or ears. These abominations that Kony was committing went unknown to the rest of the world for a long period of time. Since the Invisible children were founded in 2004 they have made significant progress in making these issues more known to people all around the world. This publicity has significantly weakened the LRA, although they are weaker they still have the ability to terrorize people in Uganda. They still need to be stopped. Invisible Children is always hosting new campaigns that could be found on there website. If Kony is ever going to be stopped the issue is going to need more publicity and hopefully even political recognition.

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