Friday, December 21, 2012

Newtown Shootings

As you know, there was a shooting last Friday at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newton, Connecticut. However, these shooting was even more horrifying then ones of the past when you consider that it was in an elementary school. Six adults were killed and 20 children. It is being considered one of the worst mass shooting in U.S history. When something like this happens we have to ask ourselves "why?" "Why does this keep happening? "  This issue, in particular, has resurfaced the discussion of gun control across America.

Following the shootings in Newtown many people are calling out for stricter gun laws. The gun control advocates are calling for a renewal of the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004.Not surprisingly the NRA has made it clear that they want no new gun laws.

I understand the want for more gun laws. People see these mass shootings and they don't understand why anybody would find it necessary to have an automatic or semi-automatic weapon. I completely understand this sentiment. I don't understand the need for such weapons that only serve the purpose of destroying life as efficiently as possible. I don't understand why anybody ever thought it was a good idea to make these weapons available to the public in the first place. However, I also understand that these weapons have been in circulation for years and now believe there is no going back. I would love for there to be no guns at all , but I also know that the extremist idea for making all guns illegal would not solve this problem. I understand the want for stricter gun laws, but I don't believe that our issue with mass shootings can be solved so simply. In my opinion, I think the theories of extreme gun restrictions are a little naive. If you make something illegal bad people are still going to be able to get it. Someone who is willing to murder innocent people is not going to feel guilty about buying an illegal weapon.

Some people think that more in depth background checks should be done before selling a person a weapon. This is an idea I can agree on. I don't believe that this is going to stop all bad people from getting guns, but at least it should make it a little more difficult. I also don't understand why anyone would object to this unless they have something to hide.

 I think that the issues with these mass shootings lies with the mental health of the shooters. How can we solve this problem? For this question I am sad to say I have no answer and I can only hope that someone else does.
One thing that should definitely be done though is that schools should increase there security. This should be done by increasing the amount of  armed security guards in the schools. I believe this is a simple way of increasing safety that everyone can agree on.
No matter what your stance on gun control we can all agree that these shootings are horrible events and need to be put to an end.

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